Error Pages

With web servers there are standard messages that appear for users when they select a link that they may not be authorized for, or if they select a link to a page that does not exist.  These pages or messages are termed as "HTTP Error Pages".  With this system we give you the ability to customize these specific pages or error messages the user will see.

Each error has a number reference.  You can select actions for each number referenced page.



Bad Page Request



Authorization Required






Page Not Found



Method Not Allowed



Internal Server Error



Method Not Implemented





To edit these pages or messages for your users, select WEB OPTIONS and select the  "edit" icon in the row containing the ERROR function.





You will then see a prompt to select the error type and will need to decide whether to put a custom message for the user or redirect to a specific url on your web site.  You can have a custom process for each type of error message. If you use a url., please enter the full path i.e.